Getting ENgaged in 2020

A quest in the making
White gold wedding bands with dragon engraved and filled with black enamel

Getting Engaged in 2020:

A quest in the making.
Winter is coming, and with it, engagement season!

The screen of the videogame Doom with the Nightmare! Mode selected for Getting EngagedDeciding on how to propose, and actually getting engaged, is already a challenge most of the times, but… in 2020 it’s like we’ve accidentally pushed the “Nightmare” mode in Doom, and thus everything is like the monsters are running way faster and the bullets are too.

(Image Credit: Id Software)

That’s why I’ve decided to put together a quick help guide for you, so if you want to surprise your significant other, you know where to start!

You’ll need some basics:

The Ring!

No, not Samara!

No, not even the One Ring. I really recommend not to use the One Ring for your engagement, because it would be unfortunate for your significant other to disappear just as they put the ring on… besides, Ringwraiths are not really great additions to the wedding guestlist, they’re kind of party crashers.

Where to find a ring, now? Well, it’s obvious that it is not easy to go around, but luckily Internet is the best friend for getting engaged in these pandemic times, so… I’m happy to show you some of the works of my favourite goldsmith. Goku Gioielli makes fantastic jewellery and they really work a lot on customization, but even their ready-to-go products are like nothing you have ever seen before! Their use of gems and their design are just awesome. Let me show a bit of their work. They made the wedding bands for me and my husband too, and I adore them!

On the left, a rainbow-coloured ring (with multicoloured sapphires) in white gold with heart-shaped grafts, At the centre, a ring with a big green/reddish gem, diamonds and yellog gold, on the right a black gold trilogy ring with yellow diamonds

The Box!

I’ve discovered Nerdy Nuptials on Instagram and I fell in love with their works (really, go and check them out, they’re awesome!), but in this case, I want to offer you an alternative to the classic velvet box. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that, but, it’s a bit of a giveaway and it could ruin the surprise. Plus, a customized wooden box can then become a little gift in itself, especially if you’re looking for something nerdy! And who knows, maybe that blue one is bigger on the inside

It could also become the box to hold your wedding bands on the wedding day!


Two wooden boxes. The one on the top is Tardis-blue and decorated as a TARDIS, the other is wooden-coloured and there's the Legend of Zelda's logo onThe Proposal!

Well, I don’t like to give you some pre-written schtick, I’m sure you can use google, and in any case, it probably won’t work, you’ll probably forget it or something unexpected will happen! Emotions play games with our memory and brain, so duh. Instead of trying to memorize a speech, you could just try to convey what really matters in your relationship. Think about the words you associate most with your partner, and go for what both of you know, if you’re not super romantic, you can opt for a silly proposal, it will still have the intended result!

Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t take inspiration from books, series, movies or videogames. I mean, in Star Trek Deep Space Nine we learn a lot about how Klingons court…

It also taught me that Klingons are more romantic than my husband.

He only learnt to bite my cheek.

Fantastic (I hope you can feel the sarcasm here).

If you concentrate on a few words that really describe your significant other and your relationship and your feelings, it will be easier not to lose the train of thought amidst the emotion!

And, in the end, there’s always the option to tell your soon-to-be-spouse “We don’t have any more sisters”. It worked for me!

Well, sure, you can have much more elaborated proposals, like those videos of people getting engaged with the blindfolded person who has posters with the story written on them, or maybe organize a special dinner (handmade, even better), roses and flowers, candles everywhere, but, you know, I just wanted to give you some ideas for the basics and how to find really unique elements!

What kind of proposal are you thinking about? Let me know, I’m curious! And if you contact me before the end of the month (which is also Cyber Monday), you will get a free Getting Engaged Consultation!

What are you waiting for? Click on the reassuring blue button!

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