Rain-Proof your wedding day!

Here's a quick freebie for you in these times of ill-weather, a PDF to download to see: is that venue's rain plan right for you?
Una flowchart decisionale per decidere se la location ha il piano pioggia adatto

Rain-Proof your wedding day!

A white background decisional flowchart to see if a venue has the right rain plan for your weddingHere’s a quick freebie for you all to download in these rough-weather times, as promised on my social accounts!

This flowchart will help you decide if a venue is right for you! Does it have the right rain plan for your wedding? Or maybe you should keep looking for a better fit?

Click here and download both the print-ready and the full colour files to find out, or make a copy of it in your own Google Drive account.

If you have any questions or need any clarifications, feel free to contact me on my socials or by email, you can find me here on instagram and facebook!