The Stress of the Wedding Dress

How to find the wedding outfit without going crazy!
Sposi in blu che ridono e si fanno linguaccia, sullo sfondo di una vigna

The Stress of the Wedding Dress

Bride and Bridesmaid fighting with the Groom, with fake swords and maces

Oh, the wedding dress! It’s the first thing people ask about and the one thing the bride would like to keep secret as long as possible. But it’s not only the bride that has to find her dress, and sometimes we don’t have a bride or we have two, and in any case, don’t ever think that bringing a man to shop for his wedding suit is an easy task. In my experience, it can take even a whole month to find the right one (so don’t wait the last minute, please).

If it’s the first time you happen to stumble into me, let me say that I’m not one to follow the trends too much, I like so many different things, and I love exploring styles or mixing them! In particular, I firmly believe that the wedding outfits of the spouses are a very personal choice and that they should reflect the soul of those who wear them, and fashion is not always a good fit for everyone.

The choice of the wedding dress is a moment most people both look forward to and dread.

A full figure photo of a victorian bride in a hot pink dress, with her bouquet on a stick, with the groom in the background in his top hat

We look forward to it because it’s a big step that says “oh, the wedding is really happening, then!”, and we dread it because “Oh my gosh, what if I don’t find the perfect one for me?” And yes, this is valid for any gender!

Although probably we won’t be able to go in search of the perfect dress in the near future, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared: it usually saves a lot of hassle!

So, first things first: don’t panic! I have some tips that can be useful for you!

1. Never judge a book by its cover

Never discard a dress/suit just because you don’t like it on the hanger or on the mannequin: try it on, they might surprise you! We are living things and we breathe life into our clothes by wearing them, so you can only see the true effect when you wear it!

2. Three is company

Do not bring a big party with you, or, if you have to (family obligations sometimes override preferences), bring at least one person who will concentrate on you and not on what they like. Make sure that it’s someone who is cheeky enough to put themselves in the crossfire. A sibling, a friend will usually do, but I’ve played this role for some of my clients: sometimes it’s all about giving the person who is choosing their outfit enough time to think about it freely.

3. Prepare beforehand

Decide on a budget and do not try dresses/suits too above that. Because if you fall in love with one and then you can’t afford it, the others will probably disappoint you! And remember that usually the modifications (for example hemming or making a different neckline) are to be added to the price, so keep a buffer of 2 or 300 euros.

4. Feel good!

That mirror is not an enemy, is just a piece of glass. It’s not you that has to be fitted for the dress, it’s the dress that needs to be a fit for you, look for the one that makes you feel confident and stunning, that makes you think “I love it!” yeah… that’s the one!

Bride pulling the groom by his feet... Cthulhu's tentacle on the top hat

5. Feel comfortable!

Look for a dress/suit that puts you at ease. Both sitting and dancing, or maybe even during a sword fight (and who says that you can’t fight in a long dress? I did that with my first bride :D) or to drag away a groom passed out from the emotion (or for the influence of an Ancient one…), you’ll have to be in those clothes for several hours (don’t forget the bathroom logistics as well!), so they need to be comfortable!

You have followed this guide step by step, even more… but you haven’t found the perfect one! It’s like it doesn’t even exist! Or, maybe, you wish for something more peculiar than what is available. Then… why don’t you have someone make it for you? In this age of ready-to-wear clothes, it is important not to forget that seamstresses exist and they are able to put your dreams into reality!

I’ve guided several brides and grooms towards this option, either by having a complete original dress made for them, or having a modification to adapt an existing one that was beautiful but not perfect, and not a single one of them regretted it one bit.

And, at last, the only rule I feel it’s worth mentioning: enjoy yourself!

We all regress a bit back to childhood when we can try so many different outfits, as we were, once again, playing dress up as characters of stories and fairy tales! It’s a unique moment, one a bit frivolous, yes, but sometimes we need frivolous things too!


Now, you can go on a mission and find the wedding dress that fits you perfectly and that will make everyone’s jaw drop on your wedding day!

Do you still have doubts or want to consider having someone neutral with you? Book a consultation on, and let me work my magic!

Book your consultation here!


p.s. Do you want to know how to make a budget? Click here!

Victorian and Steampunk dresses by Stardust Atelier